1983. Exhibition Brochure (page 2/4). Will Maclean exhibition at the RDG. Introductory text by Timothy Neat.
1985. Poster/ Notice (verso). The Royal Scotsman. Group exhibition presented by the RDG in association with The Great Scottish and Western Railway Co.
1985. Poster/ Notice (recto). Hugh Kyle: Drawings and Reliefs in Paper Pulp. Exhibition presented by the RDG.
1986. Exhibitions Card. RDG 20th Anniversary Exhibitions: 40 Polish Contemporary Artists, Paintings-Ian McCulloch, Sculptures-Ludwig Redl, Joseph Beuys in Scotland 1970-1982.
1986. Exhibition Poster/ Brochure (recto). Painting/Photography. Donagh, Goto/Eachus, Johnson, McKeever, Stezaker. RDG, Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh.
1985. Poster/ Notice (verso). Hugh Kyle: Drawings and Reliefs in Paper Pulp. Exhibition presented by the RDG.
1986. Exhibition Catalogue/ Brochure (recto). Craftwork from Greenlea Old People's Home, Edinburgh, at the RDG, 10 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh.
1986. Exhibition Card (recto/verso). Three Dutch Artists at the RDG, Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh, and Three Scottish Artists at the Zeeuws Museum, Middelburg, Holland.
1985. Poster/ Notice (recto). The Royal Scotsman. Group exhibition presented by the RDG in association with The Great Scottish and Western Railway Co.
1983. Announcement Card. The Varese Engagement with Modern Art. Presented by the RDG. Edinburgh International Festival.