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1975. Edinburgh Arts participants view installation by Carl Andre in the Panza collection at Villa Menafoglio Panza, Varese, Italy. Edinburgh Arts 1975.

1975. Count Panza di Biumo and Edinburgh Arts 1975 participants view artworks in the Panza Collection at Villa Menafoglio, Varese, Italy.

1975. Count Panza and Edinburgh Arts group view work by Carl Andre at Villa Menafoglio Panza, Varese, Italy.

1975. Jane Chisholm with works by Donald Judd in the Panza Collection, Villa Menafoglio Panza, Varese, Italy. Edinburgh Arts 1975.

1975. Jane Chisholm with Bruce Nauman installation, Panza collection, Varese, Italy. Edinburgh Arts 1975.

1975. Edinburgh Arts 1975 participants Anne Goring and Manuel Chetcuti with artworks by Donald Judd and Richard Serra in the Panza Collection, Varese, Italy.