1980. Statement by publisher George Riches, ref. Scottish Arts Council support for Edinburgh Arts 1980.
1975. Bob Hird, left, and Edinburgh Arts 1975 participants at Pollock Halls of Residence, University of Edinburgh.
1973. Beuys at Kantor's production of Lovelies and Dowdies. Forrest Hill Poorhouse. Edinburgh Arts 1973.
1980. The 'Marques' sailing ship and the paddle steamer 'Waverley' in Brodick Bay, Isle of Arran, Scotland. Edinburgh Arts 1980 sea-voyage on the 'Marques'.
1973. Letter from Demarco to Marina Abramovic, ref. Eight Yugoslav Artists exhibition, Edinburgh Arts 1973.
1973. Audience (including Sean Connery) at Kantor's production of Lovelies and Dowdies at Forrest Hill Poorhouse, Edinburgh. Edinburgh Arts 1973.
Kantor's production of Lovelies and Dowdies at Forrest Hill Poorhouse, Edinburgh. Edinburgh Arts 1973. Audience includes Connery, Brown, Waugh.