1976. Letter (page 2/2) from Michael Shepherd, art critic, Sunday Telegraph, to the Scottish Arts Council, ref. Edinburgh Arts.
1976. Letter (page 2/2) to Demarco from Barrie and Marianne Hesketh, directors of the Mull Little Theatre, Isle of Mull, Scotland. Ref. Edinburgh Arts 1976.
1972. Letter (page 2/2) from Demarco to Yugoslavian Federal Institute for International Co-operation, ref. proposed exhibition of Yugoslavian artists at the RDG in 1973.
1975. Copy of The Scotsman newspaper review by Edward Gage of the Edinburgh Arts 1975 exhibition: To Callanish from Hagar Qim.
1973. Letter (page 3/3) from Antoine Grimaud (Group Lettriste, Paris) to Sally Holman (RDG administrator), ref. proposed programme of Lettriste films at the RDG.
1975. Press Cutting. The Guardian. Review by Cordelia Oliver of the Edinburgh Arts 1975 exhibition: To Callanish from Hagar Qim.
1973. Letter to Demarco from gallery director Ronald Feldman (New York) , ref. Beuys and contact with East European artists.