1974. Transcript (page 2/2) of Demarco's introduction to 'Images', a Grampian Television programme featuring a performance of 'Going Tornado' by Paul Neagu.
1973. Letter to Demarco from gallery director Ronald Feldman (New York) , ref. Beuys and contact with East European artists.
1972. Letter (page 1/2) to Demarco from Dr Stephen Bann, ref. lecture on Ian Hamilton Finlay. Edinburgh Arts 1972.
1974. Transcript (page 1/2) of Demarco's introduction to 'Images', a Grampian Television programme featuring a performance of 'Going Tornado' by Paul Neagu.
1973. Letter (page 1/3) from Antoine Grimaud (Groupe Lettriste, Paris) to Sally Holman (RDG administrator), ref. proposed programme of Lettriste films at the RDG.
1976. Letter from Edinburgh Arts 1976 participant Joan Hughson to Lady Jean Polwarth (RDG Board of Directors), ref. Edinburgh Arts 1976.
1977. Letter of Invitation to a presentation in the RDG by artist John Latham, ref. Latham's Niddrie Woman project.
1976. Letter (page 1/2) to Demarco from Barrie and Marianne Hesketh, directors of the Mull Little Theatre, Scotland. Ref. Edinburgh Arts 1976.